
The reliable 301 Series has proven to be a rugged economical choice for top mounting on tanks where side mounting is not practical, or for use in sumps. These units feature a fixed deadband for high or low alarm or shutdown. This control can be mounted on top of any closed or open tank or sump by use of the 3/4" NPT connection. Flanges are also available in various sizes, pressure rating and material to meet any installation. Several size floats are available to accommodate liquids to a specific gravity of 0.5 and depths to 12 feet.Electrical switch actions, SPST (SPDT) (DPDT) or (DPST), can be ordered to satisfy most applications. Two-stage operation available, consult factory. Hermetically sealed snap action or mercury contacts provide for high or low current or voltage requirements. Enclosures include general purpose NEMA 1, weatherproof NEMA 4, explosion-proof NEMA 7, 9. The explosion-proof, vapor proof version combines weatherproof, vapor proof, and explosion-proof NEMA 4, 7, 9 construction in one enclosure. The 301 Series can be used on pressurized vessels.

产品介绍:投入式浮球开关连接一根从上垂下的高灵活性电缆,内含一个微动开关,微动开关放置在密封的防震防破裂的双腔系统中, 当浮球浸入液体,球体倾斜触发微动开关。MS1浮球开关里面装有配重装置,因此开关也适用于测量含有固体颗粒的介质。对于投入式浮球开关,一个浮球作为一个开关点,触点均为转换型触点,所以不仅可以设为低位报警也可以设置为高位报警。通过安装在中间的微动开关的**技术,投入式浮球开关可以在任何方向动作,中间安装式微动开关是威卡(WIKA)**技术,这一技术可以保证投入式浮球开关灵活变换方向,而不依赖于开关倾斜的方向。应用废水处理厂泵站功能特性用于废水、污水和重污染液体产品环保,无铅无汞PP 外壳微动开关的机械电气寿命长适用于危险区域防爆0、1、2区

These heavy duty top-mounted liquid level controls operate in pressurized or non-pressurized tanks and sumps with pressures to 600 psi and temperatures to 500°F. They can be ordered to operate at depths to 12 feet with a 12 foot guide rod. Adjustable in single stage and two stage operation to provide action such as operating a pump; pump and high alarm or shutdown; pump and low alarm, or high and low alarm; or high, high alarm; or low, low alarm. Alarm functions can also be used as shutdowns. Series 401 is available in mercury or snap action contact switches. Specific gravity applications from 0.5 to 1.0.

L6系列 FLOTECT®浮子液位开关非常紧凑小巧,已经很多年被广泛的应用于液位控制场合。操作原理简单可靠,应用磁性联动,没有机械故障。当液位的变化带动浮子,在杠杆另一端的磁块带动另外一个和开关联动的磁块,触发内部的开关

L10系列 FLOTECT®小型浮子液位开关性价比高。它已经多年被广泛可靠地应用于液位控制。有黄铜的和不锈钢的材质,用于兼容液体,还可选外室式三通,PP浮子,不锈钢浮子。有两种基本配置: 1" NPT外螺纹连接的直接侧壁安装式,和工厂预装的外室式。L10系列液位开关的特点是采用了独特的**设计,具有完全密封,由磁力联动内部的单刀单掷开关,可快速和容易选择常开和常关状态,打开滑盖就能清晰的看见N.O.和N.C.标记来改变常开或常关,这个功能也能用于在需要的时候快速改变开关的状态。有三种不同的浮子可以选用,能适用于比重低到0.5;耐压到2000psig(137.8bar),连接导线为22AWG x 18″(460mm),开关安装接口为1/8″NPT外螺纹。带有UL和CSA认证。


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