
产品介绍:Stacked high throughput tips. Stacked tips, 200 μL max. volume, for LiquidatorTM 96 bench-top pipettor with LTSTM, pre-sterilized, 960 tips in 10 layers of 96 (LQS-200S)Convenient: save space and reduce wasteSave space and stay green with stacked 200 μl pre-sterilized high throughput tipsReloadable rack. SBS footprintThe "base" rack is reloaded as tips are used, for fast throughput and space-savingSimultaneous 96-Well Manual PipettingFaster Than Many RobotsHigh-Throughput Pipettors pipetting system is a powerful personal research tool for all laboratories. Accurate and efficient, High-Throughput Pipettors is designed to maximize workflow, without the need for complicated programming or dedicated technician time. Incredibly fast, High-Throughput Pipettors adds outstanding quality features to high throughput pipetting, with many applications.High throughput Solutions规格 - Tips Liq96 200 μL Prstrl 960/10 LQS-200SVolume Range5 µL – 200 µLAmount/Quantity960 tips in 5 layersMaximum Volume200 µLPipette Tip TypePresterilized;High-throughput PipetteTip TechnologyLiteTouch System LTS

产品介绍:20 μl, BioClean, filter tips in racks.. Racked tips, 20 μL max. volume, for bench-top pipettor with LTSTM, pre-sterilized, filter, 960 tips in 10 racks of 96 (LQR-20F)Protection from Aerosol Con***inationThe hydrophobic filter forms a solid barrier against aerosols and liquids. No con***ination, no additives, no flakes, just pure protection.BioClean - 100% InertCleaner than sterile, proven BioClean: 100% free of DNA, DNAse, RNAse, ATP, Pyrogens, PCR inhibitors, additives and bioactive con***inants.Flawless PerformancePerfect production and advanced LTS design. No deformations, no cracks, no flash - just perfect form.Simultaneous 96-Well Manual PipettingFaster Than Many RobotsHigh-Throughput Pipettors pipetting system is a powerful personal research tool for all laboratories. Accurate and efficient, High-Throughput Pipettors is designed to maximize workflow, without the need for complicated programming or dedicated technician time. Incredibly fast, High-Throughput Pipettors adds outstanding quality features to high throughput pipetting, with many applications.High throughput Solutions规格 - Tip Liq96 20 μL Filter 960/10 LQR-20FVolume Range1 µL – 20 µLAmount/Quantity960 tips in 10 racksMaximum Volume20 µLPipette Tip TypeFilter, Presterilized

产品介绍:200μL, BioClean, 盒装滤芯吸头,. 盒装吸头,**量程200μL,LTS技术适用于台式移液工作站,预消毒,带滤芯,10盒960个吸头(LQR-200F)防止气溶胶污染疏水滤芯形成阻隔气溶胶和液体的屏障。 没有污染,没有添加物,没有溶出物。100% Bio-Clean比无菌更洁净,保证是BioClean: 100%的无DNA, DNA酶,RNA酶,ATP,热源,PCR抑制剂,添加物和生物活性污染物。高品质**的品质,先进的LTS设计。不会变形,不会断裂,不会引起液体飞溅。Simultaneous 96-Well Manual PipettingFaster Than Many RobotsHigh-Throughput Pipettors pipetting system is a powerful personal research tool for all laboratories. Accurate and efficient, High-Throughput Pipettors is designed to maximize workflow, without the need for complicated programming or dedicated technician time. Incredibly fast, High-Throughput Pipettors adds outstanding quality features to high throughput pipetting, with many applications.High throughput Solutions规格 - 吸头 LQR-200F容量范围5 µL – 200 µL规格10 盒,960 个吸头**量程200 µL移液器吸头类型预消毒,带滤芯吸头技术轻触式去吸头系统 LTS

产品介绍:Stacked high throughput tips. Stacked tips, 20 μL max. volume, for LiquidatorTM 96 bench-top pipettor with LTSTM, pre-sterilized, 960 tips in 10 layers of 96 (LQS-20S)Convenient: save space and reduce wasteSave space and stay green with stacked 20 μl pre-sterilized high throughput tipsReloadable rack. SBS footprintThe "base" rack is reloaded as tips are used, for fast throughput and space-savingSimultaneous 96-Well Manual PipettingFaster Than Many RobotsHigh-Throughput Pipettors pipetting system is a powerful personal research tool for all laboratories. Accurate and efficient, High-Throughput Pipettors is designed to maximize workflow, without the need for complicated programming or dedicated technician time. Incredibly fast, High-Throughput Pipettors adds outstanding quality features to high throughput pipetting, with many applications.规格 - Tip Liq96 20 μL Pstrl 960/10 LQS-20SVolume Range1 µL – 20 µLAmount/Quantity960 tips in 5 layersMaximum Volume20 µLPipette Tip TypePresterilized;High-throughput PipetteTip TechnologyLiteTouch System LTS

产品介绍:200μL, BioClean, 盒装滤芯吸头,. 盒装吸头,**量程200μL,LTS技术适用于台式移液工作站,预消毒,带滤芯,10盒960个吸头(LQR-200F)防止气溶胶污染疏水滤芯形成阻隔气溶胶和液体的屏障。 没有污染,没有添加物,没有溶出物。100% Bio-Clean比无菌更洁净,保证是BioClean: 100%的无DNA, DNA酶,RNA酶,ATP,热源,PCR抑制剂,添加物和生物活性污染物。高品质**的品质,先进的LTS设计。不会变形,不会断裂,不会引起液体飞溅Simultaneous 96-Well Manual PipettingFaster Than Many RobotsHigh-Throughput Pipettors pipetting system is a powerful personal research tool for all laboratories. Accurate and efficient, High-Throughput Pipettors is designed to maximize workflow, without the need for complicated programming or dedicated technician time. Incredibly fast, High-Throughput Pipettors adds outstanding quality features to high throughput pipetting, with many applications.High throughput SolutionsMore about complete benchtop pipettor solution规格 - 吸头 LQR-200F容量范围5 µL – 200 µL规格10 盒,960 个吸头**量程200 µL移液器吸头类型预消毒,带滤芯吸头技术轻触式去吸头系统 LTS

产品介绍:Stacked high throughput tips. Stacked tips, 20 μL max. volume, for LiquidatorTM 96 bench-top pipettor with LTSTM, 960 tips in 10 layers of 96 (LQS-20)Convenient: save space and reduce wasteSave space and stay green with stacked 20 μl high throughput tipsReloadable rack. SBS footprintThe "base" rack is reloaded as tips are used, for fast throughput and space-savingSimultaneous 96-Well Manual PipettingFaster Than Many RobotsHigh-Throughput Pipettors pipetting system is a powerful personal research tool for all laboratories. Accurate and efficient, High-Throughput Pipettors is designed to maximize workflow, without the need for complicated programming or dedicated technician time. Incredibly fast, High-Throughput Pipettors adds outstanding quality features to high throughput pipetting, with many applications.规格 - Tips Liq96 20 μL 960/10 LQS-20Volume Range1 µL – 20 µLAmount/Quantity960 tips in 5 layersMaximum Volume20 µLPipette Tip TypeHigh-throughput PipetteTip TechnologyLiteTouch System LTS

产品介绍:一次性为96个孔进行移液简化了微量应用的工作,如ELISA、细胞分析、qPCR和蛋白结晶等。 梅特勒-托利多的Rainin Liquidator™ 96具有较高的准确度和精度,简化了任何96或384孔板应用的工作。 它体积小巧,无需用电,有两种型号的量程范围可选:0.5-20μL和5-200μL。 Liquidator 96是手动装置,易于使用,几乎不需要培训。省时利用单通道和多通道移液管在96孔板中设置分析方法通常很繁琐且耗时。 Liquidator处理每个96孔板只需6秒时间,同时不会影响数据质量,这可为您完成数据分析和假设建立等更重要的任务节省很多时间。减少错误单通道和多通道移液器大大增加了在qPCR、ELISA和其它基于板的实验中跳过或重复加样的风险。 Liquidator 96同时填充96个孔,消除了这种风险。移液容量低至0.5 µLLiquidator的20 µL低量程型号的量程范围为0.5 – 20 μL,扩展了96孔板的程序。 Liquidator 20 µL和200 µL经久耐用,使用简单,非常符合人体工程学,能提供**的可用准确度和精度规格。提高速度,扩展用途Liquidator 20 µL和200μL是几乎不需要培训的手动装置,在实验室中很有用,人人都能立即上手。 200μL型对量程范围为5 - 200μL的ELISA等实验来说是理想之选。 20μL型的量程可低至0.5μL,简化了qPCR等应用的工作。

产品介绍:SevenExcellence™ pH/mV 测量仪 – 直观的触摸屏操作和高测量性能,融合了全面的安全管理功能确保结果的安全性和法规一致性。该单通道仪表可随时扩展模块以拓展测量参数!专业校准支持,包括连接     Rondolino 自动进样器进行自动校准7 英寸超大彩色显示屏和用十种语言编写的直观菜单导航灵活的方法概念,提供更高的安全性和重现性精密的用户管理和智能电极管理 (ISM®)进一步保障安全性内置多种用于数据交换的接口(USB、RS232 和以太网接口)包括 IQ/OQ/PQ在内的综合服务包规格 - S400 SevenExcellence™ pH/mV 测量仪简短描述用于测量 pH、mV/ORP(氧化还原电位) 和 rel. mV(相对mV) 的专业模块化仪表pH测量范围-2.000至20.000pH分辨率0.001 / 0.01 / 0.1相对pH精度± 0.002mV范围-2000 至 2000mV分辨率0.1/1mV相对精确性± 0.1ISFET pH 范围0 至14.000ISFET pH 分辨率0.001 / 0.01 / 0.1ISFET pH 相对精度+/- 0.05温度范围 °C-30.0 至 130.0温度分辨率 °C0.1温度精度°C± 0.1显示屏7 英寸彩色液晶显示屏触摸屏电容式

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