
The Series I2-1 Immersion Temperature Probes are designed to monitor the hot and chilled water lines throughout a building’s water distribution loop. The multiple temperature sensor outputs allow these sensors to connect to virtually any digital building controller. The Series IW2 stainless steel thermowells allow the temperature sensors to be replaced without draining the water line. The temperature sensors are available in 4" and 6" insertion lengths.Note: A Series IW2 Thermowell must be used on pressurized air and water lines to prevent leakage around the probe.

The Series I2-1 Immersion Temperature Probes are designed to monitor the hot and chilled water lines throughout a building’s water distribution loop. The multiple temperature sensor outputs allow these sensors to connect to virtually any digital building controller. The Series IW2 stainless steel thermowells allow the temperature sensors to be replaced without draining the water line. The temperature sensors are available in 4" and 6" insertion lengths.Note: A Series IW2 Thermowell must be used on pressurized air and water lines to prevent leakage around the probe.

产品介绍:TR10-C型热电阻传感器可以通过螺纹直接与过程连接,主要应用于容器和管道连接。该热电阻传感器适用于中等机械负载和正常化学条件下的液态和气态介质。TW35护套由全焊接的不锈钢制成,并且旋入连接头。不必将整个温度计从过程介质中拿出来就可以实现测量探杆的替换。这使得设备在操作和运行过程中,或在维修时,检测和更换成为可能。选择标准长度的测量探杆交货期短,更有利于客户作零部件的购买和库存。插深、过程连接、护套设计、连接头、传感器的类型和数量、精度、连接形式等都可以根据各自应用进行选择.另外,该热电阻传感器的接线盒内部可以装配上威卡(WIKA)模拟或数字温度变送器。热电阻传感器的应用机械、设备以及容器制造能源技术和电厂化工食品和饮料行业卫生、供热和空调系统热电阻传感器的功能特性应用范围: -200 ... +600 °C包括TW35装配式护套带有弹簧的测量探杆(可替换)防爆型

The Model O-45 Outside Air Temperature Sensors are great for monitoring ambient air temperatures in outdoor applications. The temperature sensors are mounted in a NEMA 4X enclosure with integral mounting tabs. The mounting tabs can be used to surface or suspension mount the temperature sensors. The removable terminal block makes installation easy. The Model O-45 can be used to measure outside air temperatures in building automation systems or room temperatures inside agriculatural ventilation houses.

ILA系列 红外测温变送器能够测量温度范围为32到932华氏度(0-500摄氏度),输出可选4-20mA,0 –5VDC或热电偶输出.两线制的信号和工业标准的各种指示仪,控制仪,记录仪,数据采集器等等都兼容。用于食品,造纸,纺织,塑料,烟草,制药,化学,橡胶,煤炭和沥青的行业。

产品介绍:EE220温湿度变送器可在线更换EE07传感探头或EE03传感模块。插拔探头的校准数据保存在探头内的微处理芯片中,任何两台变送器在互换数字探头后,均不影响测量结果。性能**的HC105型湿敏元件、精确的校准方法和**的微处理器技术保证了在全量程范围内,仪表能够获得*佳的长期稳定性和精确的测量结果。技术资料0...100% RH-40...80 °C测量范围±2% RH±0.1 °C精度0-1/10 V or 4-20 mA输出24 V AC/DC供电

管道安装式维萨拉HUMICAP®温湿度变送器H M D 60和H M D70专门设计用于监控建筑物能源管理系统的相对湿度和温度。高精度、稳定性和可靠运行相结合,使得这些产品是极端环境下的理想选择。 特点:0 ... 100 %RH全量程测量精度可达±2 %RH真正的4-20 mA两线制输出变送器(HMD60)可选的信号输出,范围为0 - 1 V 0 - 5 V或 0 - 10 V(HMD70),也可选配0-20mA的电流模块(HMD70)维萨拉HUMICAP®传感器具有**的准确度和长期稳定性,可忽略不计的湿滞现象,对灰尘和大多数化学品具有很强的耐受性。温度补偿IP65(NEMA 4)防护等级也可以提供仅测量温度的变送器HMD60T/70T可溯源至NIST(含校验证书)

The Series I2-4 Weatherproof Immersion Temperature Sensor is ideal for monitoring hot and chilled water lines feeding Air Handlers and Cooling Towers. The plastic housing has a 1/4 turn twist off cover to reduce installation time. The multiple knockouts allow for easy conduit access to any side of the housing. The Series I2-4 can be ordered with a choice of 11 output options that allow it to communicate to any standard building control system.

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