
The Series WTP Wireless Temperature Sensors can be quickly installed on chilled water lines, air ducts or outside a building without having to run additional wiring. By sampling the temperature measurement every 10 seconds, the 3.6 V lithium battery is able to power the unit for up to 8 years.A reliable 418 MHz signal can carry the measurements up to 100 feet without a repeater. With the optional 900 MHz repeater, measurements can be transmitted up to 1000 feet away.

The Series WTP-R Wireless Remote Probe Temperature Sensors can be used to monitor surface temperature of water lines or in locations where space is limited. For greater flexibility, the enclosure for the electronics can be mounted up to 25' from the temperature measurement point. By sampling the temperature measurement every 10 seconds, the 3.6V lithium battery is able to power the unit for up to 8 years.A reliable 418 MHz signal can carry the measurements up to 100 feet without a repeater. With the optional 900 MHz repeater, measurements can be transmitted up to 1000 feet away.

The Series WTP-W Wireless Wall Mount Temperature Sensors allows flexibility in office buildings with cubicles or in hotel rooms. Without any wires to limit the location of the sensor, it can be moved quickly without any interruption in temperature measurement. Optional temperature set point and manual override features allow users to adjust temperatures to make the ambient conditions more comfortable.A reliable 418 MHz signal can carry the measurements up to 100 feet without a repeater. With the optional 900 MHz repeater, measurements can be transmitted up to 1000 feet away.

The Series TE-W Wall Mount Temperature Sensor provides a low cost temperature input for any building management system. With large vents in the housing for proper air flow, the sensor accurately measures the ambient temperature in hotel rooms or offices. Multiple mounting holes on the wall plate allow for mounting to numerous surfaces.

TE系列 风管和水管用温度传感器用于楼宇管理系统中或空气处理设备中监测空气或水的温度。法兰片安装式的风管温度传感器用于监测风管的送风或回风,输出信号为热敏电阻,或热电阻。带压紧接头的插入式温度传感器一般用于监测进入建筑物的热水或冷却水的温度。插入式温度传感器无需保护套管。对于变风量调节系统,TE系列可配置8英尺阻燃电缆。标准配置为4英寸引线带内部接线排。可选防护外壳,带多方向接线管口,护盖很容易拧开,并带有保护挂链,避免在安装过程中丢失。

只有明了路面气象条件方可采取更为积极有效的应对措施。如果您能够对当前气象条件了如指掌,就可方便地安排冬季暴风雪的应对人员、建筑项目或路面重修工程。维萨拉SSI被动式路面传感器FP2000能够监测公路和跑道的路面状况,判断路面是否有水和化学溶剂存在。全球许多机构均选用维萨拉SSI被动式路面传感器FP2000对诸如桥梁和事故多发地段等远程地点实施监测。 维护人员在冬季恶劣天气以及全年范围均可利用这些数据。维萨拉SSI被动式路面传感器FP2000结实耐用、可靠性高,其结构能够耐受重载车流、轮胎链、扫雪机和极端天气情况。嵌入路面式传感器采用**技术,采用一套温度和容量组合部件、两套四点传感电极测量路面情况。传感器顶部的凹坑可采集水分和化学物信息。

维萨拉 表面巡回路面温度传感器是用来探测路面可能的结冰温度的 移动式温度传感器。它配有一个非接触红外传感器测量路面温度及空气温度。这款使用方便的表面巡回传感器对于很多机构都有价值,比如交通运输部,仅需要几辆卡车即可操作,对小型公司完全适用。这款表面巡回路面传感器安装在车辆外部,连续监测路表温度,瞬时提供路表状况的信息反馈。表面巡回仪器配有一个独立的气温传感器和线缆,因此可放置于远离直射阳光的地方,获得精确读数。从表面巡回传感器上返回的数据实时、精确,是采集路面信息的可靠工具。  表面巡回传感器可在现场校准,让您始终获得*为精确的数据。此外,路面探头为圆锥形设计,可保护传感器不受喷射物和可能减少测量精度的冬季元素影响。

将数种测量功能集成在一个传感器中:表面温度传感器60MM深度地面温度传感器额外可达300mm的深度温度传感器冷凝点下降/化学剂量黑冰探测表面状态(水/冰层厚度,雪)干燥度潮湿度湿润度霜情冰雪情痕迹(潮湿及处理)湿润及处理报警和提示降雨警报霜降警报冰警报冰预警被动式热学原理-不干扰被测表面热学性能和道路性质匹配3厘米宽,热学特征可快速调整至和道路完全匹配,提高测量精度。耐用环氧树脂设计,传感器可抗磨损达 35mm可安装在轮轨上

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