
概述 维萨拉革命性的中央处理技术计算来自各种传感器类型的闪电测量原始数据,将数据结果直接实时显示,或传输至存档处理器供法庭采用,并可监测网络性能。  新一代TLP改进了维萨拉**定位算法和新的传播修正服务,将网络定位精度提高到250米,甚至更高。  TLP系统还采用了包含传感器和网络性能图表以及各种闪电参数网络表现地图的许多创新型工具。

概述维萨拉STRIKEnet® 闪电验证报考提供如下服务:针对对象的,成本效益俱佳,精确的闪电报告验证超过99%的雷暴探测效率验证闪电袭击的出现与否高效及时的闪电报告处理过程地点和时间报告

产品介绍:        中型電磁閥,流量大外部手動,可固定,操作方便鋁本體經特殊材料處理,品質嚴格管制,產品壽命長

The Series WE31 incorporates a full port 3-way SS ball valve for great flow rates with minimal pressure drop. The valve features a blowout-proof stem for added safety, reinforced PTFE seats and seals for longer life, and a 316 SS (ASTM CF8M) ball for better performance. Actuators are direct mounted creating a compact assembly for tight spaces. Limit switches are able to be mounted directly to the valves allowing for remote position indication.The Series WE31 can be configured with either an electric or pneumatic actuator. Electric actuators are available in weatherproof or explosion-proof, a variety of supply voltages and two-position or modulating control. Two-position actuators use the supply voltage to drive the valve open or closed, while the modulating actuator accepts a 4 to 20 mA input for valve positioning. Actuators feature thermal overload protection and permanently lubricated gear train.The pneumatic double acting actuator uses an air supply to drive the valve open and closed. The actuator has two supply ports, with one driving the valve open and the other driving the valve closed. Spring return pneumatic actuators use the air supply to open the valve, and internally loaded springs return the valve to the closed position. Also available is the SN solenoid valve to electrically switch the air supply pressure between the air supply ports for opening and closing the valve. Actuators are constructed of anodized and epoxy coated aluminum for years of corrosion free service.

The Series WE04 incorporates a full port 2-piece flanged SS ball valve for great flow rates with minimal pressure drop. The valve features a blowout proof stem for added safety, reinforced PTFE seats and seals for longer life, and a 316 SS (ASTM CF8M) ball for better performance. Actuators are direct mounted creating a compact assembly for tight spaces. Limit switches are able to be mounted directly to the valves allowing for remote position indication.The Series WE04 can be configured with either a pneumatic or electric actuator. Electric actuators are available in weatherproof or explosion-proof, a variety of supply voltages, and two-position or modulating control. Two-position actuators use the supply voltage to drive the valve open or closed, while the modulating actuator accepts a 4 to 20 mA input for valve positioning. Actuators feature thermal overload protection and permanently lubricated gear train.The pneumatic double acting actuator uses an air supply to drive the valve open and closed. The actuator has two supply ports, with one driving the valve open, and the other driving the valve closed. Spring return pneumatic actuators use the air supply to open the valve, and internally loaded springs return the valve to the closed position. Also available is the SN solenoid valve to electrically switch the air supply pressure between the air supply ports for opening and closing the valve. Actuators are constructed of anodized and epoxy coated aluminum for years of corrosion free service.

产品介绍:  Tube O.D:4mm to 12mm

DDA和DDC系列 风门执行机构是不带弹簧回位的执行机构用于暖通空调系统中风门或阀门的控制。DDA系列执行机构可接受浮动控制信号,可选不同的电源。DDC系列执行机构可接受4到20 mA或0到10 VD连续控制,还带有0-10VDC的阀位反馈信号输出。它们的扭矩为17到70 in-lb (2 - 8 Nm) 。如果DDA上需要附带辅助开关,请咨询工厂。

产品介绍:        作動反應快速可加裝法蘭10K,150LB,PN16可搭配防爆線圈可加裝定時器

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