CM31 StandardLine


Checkweigher and Metal Detector Combination A throughput of up to 200 packs per minute, a weighing range from 20 g to 6 kg and high weighing accuracy positions the CM31 StandardLine as best in class for efficient and reliable metal detection an weighing applications

Effective Product Handling
Configurable with 80 performance and productivity enhancing options. Best-in-class product handling and accuracy with specialized guide rails to ensure flawless product flow.

Versatile for Demanding Environmenmts
Designed for endurance and maximum reliability in wet, dry and harsh working environments. Specialized water protected conveyors allow regular cleaning routines to maintain hygiene standards.

Metal Detector Integration
Combination system with an advanced Safeline metal detector to ensure that smaller footprints are achieved. Due diligence solutions make it ideal as a Critical Control Point for best possible quality.

Model 264 传感器在全球的安装数

  • 电话咨询
  • 18016030061
  • 021-57670811